know all the answers

Slang definitions & phrases for know all the answers

know all the answers

verb phrase
  1. To claim or affect special intimate knowledge: That little creep over there always thinks he knows all the answers
  2. To have a jaded, cynical, spiritless sort of wisdom: She don't bother anymore, knows all the answers
  3. o know a case or subject thoroughly •Most often in the negative: Even your doctor doesn't have all the answers (1940s+)

Idioms and Phrases with know all the answers

know all the answers

know a thing or two
know it all
know one's way around
. Be extremely knowledgeable or experienced. These idioms may be used somewhat differently, expressing overconfidence, as in
Helen always knew all the answers, or thought she did
, or competence, as in
Bob knows a thing or two about battery technology
, or ruefulness, as in
I thought I knew it all about plants and then I got poison ivy
, or genuine expertise, as in
John knows his way around tax forms
. The first term dates from the early 1900s, the second from the later 1700s, the third from the later 1800s, and the fourth, also put as
know one's way about
, dates from the 1500s. Also see
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